Pinch Me A.K.A. Prong Me

25 Oct

I’ve long thought of doing this, but I am not as familiar with how to fit one of these collars as this person is. I did the exact same thing on my forearm, and thought the exact same thing, but I never made the leap to figure out how to get one of these around my head to my neck. Poor, poor dogs. Please, please…never prong or choke collar your dog.


During a recent Facebook discussion, it was pointed out that I had never worn a prong collar.  As such, I would  have no idea whether a prong (a.k.a. pinch collar) causes pain.  My knuckles firmly rapped, it seemed the only solution would be for me to open my mind and wear a prong collar.

prongFor those unfamiliar with the product, these come in a variety of styles.  Some look scary with spikes and “prongs” of metal.  Newer models hide the “teeth” of the prong collar under a strip of leather, plastic or fabric.  I use the word “teeth” very deliberately, because proponents of these products claim that the spikes of a prong replicate a mother dog’s teeth as she corrects a misbehaving pup.

I do know how to fit a prong collar, and I know how to use one.  I am a crossover trainer, meaning that I have used physical…

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