30 Days of Online Dating: Day 19 (I’m Back!)

17 Dec

I deeply apologize to all of my readers who were following my blog when I suddenly fell off the planet.

Day 9 I spent cleaning my house to prepare for a holiday party I was hosting the next day.
Day 10 was spent at the holiday party (you’ll see a blog from that next).
Days 11-17 were spent without internet, and its quite difficult to online date and blog when you have no internet. I could’ve done it on my lunch break on my computer at work, buttttttt I’d rather not have that stuff on the history there.
Day 18 I got my internet back, but I spent the evening at the work holiday party.

So here I am! I’m back, and I have absolutely nothing to report. It’s actually a little sad. No messages, nobody looking at my profile (well…there was this one guy…but we won’t go there), and it doesn’t appear I have any speed date interest either.

Okay. I checked again JUST for you, dear readers, and this guy I messaged first who has an adorable baby goat in his picture and who is also really attractive looked at my profile, but I never got a response from him. My guess is that he doesn’t actually pay for the site, which makes it even more difficult to use. Too bad, though, because he is a cutie!

Messages Sent: 0
Messages Received: 0
Conversations: 0

Intrigued by:
9 (one of which who sounds pretty cool, but has terrible hair – he will henceforth be known as “terrible hair guy” and another guy who not only doesn’t want kids, but is in vet school)
Mutual Intrigues: 0

Things learned (general): this website is such a great idea, if only it was a more popular site
Things learned about myself: If a potential match has filled out the “Has a weakness for girls who…” with something that doesn’t match me, I’m much less likely to click “intrigued” (so far tonight: blondes, dark hair with blue eyes..);
Something I challenged myself to do: n/a

Most bizarre/shocking:  pimpskater is 31, has a picture of him on a skateboard, and wants to “go to a park and chill” (man-child, anyone?); lurch wants to cuddle, spelled “field” incorrectly, and used “aint” in his profile


Want to follow my dating excursion? Go here to begin the journey:30 Days of Online Dating

3 Responses to “30 Days of Online Dating: Day 19 (I’m Back!)”

  1. buddy71 December 17, 2015 at 8:27 pm #

    welcome back

  2. April December 18, 2015 at 5:23 am #

    *laugh* Lurch & Pimpskater sum up so much of the online dating world…

    • mishie1 December 18, 2015 at 10:22 am #

      I think JUST the names to a pretty good job themselves!

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